Organizationnal structure

The VN-CCM has one Chair, and two Vice Chairs. To enable the VN-CCM to function effectively, efficiently and productively, the VN-CCM is supported by three (3) Sub-CCMs and two (2) Committees (one for each disease, an Oversight Committee, and an Executive Committee). The VN-CCM may also form further committees, working groups, and ad hoc teams as needed.

The VN-CCM comprised of 20-30 members who represent various sectors. In addition, a minimum of 40 percent of CCM membership should be drawn from non-government entities and/or academic and research institutions, excluding international and bilateral organizations.

These Sectors may include:

  1. Government of Viet Nam and its agencies
  2. Civil society/NGOs
  3. People living with or affected by HIV/AIDS, TB and malaria
  4. Faith-based organizations
  5. Community organizations
  6. Private sector
  7. Professional associations
  8. Research institutes and universities
  9. International agencies including the United Nations, multilateral or bilateral agencies, international donors and international NGOs.

Within each of the Sectors above, organizations that are interested in and working on issues related to HIV, TB, and Malaria can choose one or more organizations which shall then select one person to serve as a VN-CCM Member who represents that Sector in the VN-CCM.