Call for nomination for membership (term 2020 – 2022)

CCM Vietnam is calling for nominations for membership (term 2020 – 2022)

The Global Fund is an international financing institution that fights AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria with a 21st century approach: partnership, transparency, constant learning and results-based funding.

The Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria was created in 2002 to dramatically increase resources for the fight against the three pandemics. It spurs partnerships between government, civil society and the private sector and communities living with the diseases, the most effective way to fight these deadly infectious diseases. The Global Fund does not manage or implement programs on the ground, relying instead on local experts. It works with partners to ensure that funding serves the men, women and children affected by these diseases in the most effective way.

Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCM) are central to the Global Fund’s commitment to local ownership and participatory decision-making. These country-level multi-stakeholder partnerships develop and submit grant proposals to the Global Fund based on priority needs at the national level. After grant approval, they oversee progress during implementation.

CCM include representatives from both the public and private sectors, including governments, multilateral and bilateral agencies, non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, private businesses and people living with diseases.

The CCM in Vietnam (VN-CCM) was established in 2004 following Decision No. 4557/QD-BYT issued by the Minister of Health; it has a broad mandate as a national coordinating body for AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and VUSTA; the VN-CCM oversees the national response related to the three diseases and supports the coordination of all partners. VN-CCM builds on and is linked to existing mechanisms for planning at the national level and is consistent with national strategic plans. More information of the CCM Viet Nam can be found at:

Membership in the CCM is broadly representative of a variety of stakeholders, each representing an active constituency with an interest in fighting one or more of the three diseases. The role and function of each player within the partnership of the CCM is agreed upon by joint decision making mechanism, safeguarding equity and transparency among partners. To avoid any real or perceived conflict of interest, organizations or individuals expressed interest in serving as members of the CCM should not benefit from GFATM funding or should declare them in advance during the new membership nomination/selection process.

Roles and responsibilities of VN-CCM Members 
(Governance Manual 2017 – 2019)

Each VN-CCM Member must be willing to accept the following responsibilities:

  1. Respect and comply with the Governance Manual, and to other VN-CCM endorsed policy and regulation documents that are referenced in this Governance Manual.
  2. Attend and actively participate in VN-CCM meetings.
  3. Freely share relevant experiences and information within the meetings.
  4. Respect and comply with VN-CCM decisions.
  5. Consult regularly with organizations and individuals within their sector and beyond their own individual agency with an aim to fairly and accurately represent their views and concerns at VN-CCM meetings.
  6. All CCM members are invited to participate in the process of official decision making of the CCM. The CCM will operate by simple majority vote Individual members represent the interests of their constituency, are responsible for sharing information with their constituents in an open and timely manner, and should hold regular consultations with their constituents to ensure that representative views and concerns are expressed in CCM decisions and meetings.
  7. Members should demonstrate neutrality and reaffirm the principle that members of VN-CCM represent a certain constituency and not their respective organizations. More than one member may represent the same constituency.
  8. CCM members must openly declare conflicts of interest, and refrain from speaking or voting while the CCM deals with the issue. Once a conflict of interest has been identified, the member may participate in discussions if invited by the Chair or Vice Chair, but may not vote on the related issue. The VN-CCM COU policy is articulated in Section 2, chapter D of this document.
  9. Any VN-CCM Member shall have the responsibility to declare a potential conflict of interest concerning any other Member, provided that it is supported by authentic evidence. If the VN-CCM agrees that there is indeed a COI, the Member concerned shall be asked to leave while the issue is being discussed.
  10. The role of the United Nations agencies, multilateral and bilateral agencies and other development agencies in the VN-CCM should be country partnership-driven and reflect the roles of these partners in HIV/AIDS, TB, and malaria control in Vietnam.

The roles and responsibilities above shall also apply to Alternate Members.

Rights of VN-CCM Members

Each VN-CCM Member represents the constituents in a particular Sector; while VN-CCM Chair and Vice-Chair are individuals who represent VN-CCM Members. Each CCM Member has the following rights:

  1. The right to participate in all discussions and activities of VN-CCM.
  2. The right to speak in Vietnamese language during meetings (to be translated/summarized for any international Members not speaking Vietnamese).
  3. The right to receive relevant documents in either Vietnamese or English.
  4. The right to propose an agenda item for forthcoming CCM meeting.
  5. The right to voice an opinion in all matters concerning the mandate of this body prior to decision making.
  6. The right to sign, or to decline to sign, proposals submitted by CCM to Global Fund (provided that a CCM Member who declines to sign such a proposal provides clearly articulated reasons, which are recorded in the minutes).
  7. The right to vote on any matter that needs to be put to a vote.
  8. The right to propose CCM Members for the position of Chair, Vice-Chair, OC members, sub-CCM members or other sub-committee or working group membership
  9. The right to receive compensation for travel expenses incurred to attend CCM meetings; when taking part in other CCM activities; or when undertaking assignments for CCM in other parts of the country or overseas, contingent upon VN-CCM receiving adequate funds for this purpose. When and where possible, members should seek other resources to cover these expenses before requesting reimbursement from the VN-CCM.

The rights above shall also apply to Alternates, except for items iv and v, which shall only be exercised in the absence of the Member or if the Member delegates such rights to the Alternate. Item vi applies to Alternates only when they are participating in place of an absent member.


Term of Membership

VN-CCM Members and Alternates serve for a term of two (2) years. Upon the expiry of her/his first term, a VN-CCM Member or Alternate may be chosen by her or his sector to serve a further term, and there will be a new selection process at this point.


For the term 2020 – 2022, VN-CCM is restructuring the CCM membership and is herewith calling for expression of interest of nominations in the following constituencies:

Sectors Number of members Supported by
Vietnam NGOs 2 CCM Sec., VUSTA
People living with HIV/AIDS 1 CCM Sec., VNP+, UNAIDS
People living with Tuberculosis 1 CCM Sec., WHO
People living with Malaria 1 CCM Sec.,  NIMPE
Key Affected Populations 02 (MSM, PWID, SW) CCM Sec, VUSTA, PEPFAR
FBOs (Religious/Faith-based organizations 1 CCM Sec, Buddhist Singha of Vietnam
Private Sector 1 CCM Sec, VCCI

Organizations/individuals from these constituencies who would like to seek information and get involved in CCM are strongly encouraged to contact CCM Secretariat and facilitator by 28 October 2019.

Elections will be finalized by the end of November 2019.

Phone: (+84) 965927988

Address: Room 706, Level 7, Tower A, D2 Building, Giang Vo, Ba Dinh, Hanoi.


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